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Tax News

Tax changes in 2016 - Are you aware of them?

Posted on: Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Are you aware of how many changes to our tax system have been implemented between 1st January 2016 and today? 

Here is a list of all the Revenue eBriefs since the start of the year:

eBrief No. 52/2016: Requirement for Security Bonds Section 960 S TCA 1997

eBrief No. 51/2016: Rental Income

eBrief No. 50/2016:
 Recent enhancements to VAT Return of Trading Details (RTD) in ROS

eBrief No. 49/2016: Tax Treatment of Flight Crew Members

eBrief No. 48/2016: Non-Filing of Returns - Prosecution and Penalty Programmes

eBrief No. 47/2016: Revised tax treatment of royalty income, with effect from 1 January 2016, under the terms of the Ireland-Estonia Double Taxation Convention 1997

eBrief No. 46/2016:
Corporation Tax (CT1) Returns for 2015 and 2016, Forms 46G (Company)

eBrief No. 45/2016:
Mandatory eRepayments

eBrief No. 44/2016: Tax and Duty Manual Part 17-01-03 (Profit Sharing Schemes)

eBrief No. 43/2016: Clarification of circumstances where a CGT clearance certificate is not required

eBrief No. 42/2016: VAT - "Cancellation of a registration number – special provisions for notification and publication" (section 108D)

eBrief No. 41/2016: Termination of carry forward of certain unused capital allowances beyond 2014

eBrief No. 40/2016: High Income Individuals Restriction - Specified Reliefs

eBrief No. 39/2016: Disclosure by Revenue of taxpayer information - Finance Act 2015 changes

eBrief No. 38/2016: Surcharge for Late Submission of Returns

eBrief No. 37/2016: New appeals process - issuing of Revenue 'settlement' letters

eBrief No. 36/2016: Payment and Receipt of Interest without Deduction of Income Tax

eBrief No. 35/2016: Tax and Duty Appeals Manual

eBrief No. 34/2016: Change of Responsibility for e-Tax Clearance from 1st April 2016

eBrief No. 33/2016: Increased compliance interventions in the construction sector – application of the Reverse Charge for VAT and other matters

eBrief No. 32/2016: Guidelines for Using the Court Process to Pursue Tax Liabilities

eBrief No. 31/2016: ROS - Extension of Pay & File Deadline for ROS Customers for 2016

eBrief No. 30/2016: Commencement of new tax and duty appeals process

eBrief No. 29/2016: Sub-Postmasters and Social Welfare Branch Managers - Tax and PRSI

eBrief No. 28/2016: Credit in respect of tax deducted from emoluments of certain directors and employees - Section 997A TCA 1997

eBrief No. 27/2016: Health Expenses section 469 Taxes Consolidation Act 1997

eBrief No. 26/2016: Taxation Treatment of Termination Payments on Retirement or Removal from Office or Employment

eBrief No. 25/2016: Gross Roll-Up Life Assurance Policies

eBrief No. 24/2016: Order of offset of income tax reliefs, allowances and deductions

eBrief No. 23/2016: Bus, Rail, and Ferry Passes

eBrief No. 22/2016: Return by employer of employees who availed of relief under the Special Assignee Relief Programme (SARP)

eBrief No. 21/2016: Transition to the reformed tax and duty appeals process

eBrief No. 20/2016: Revenue launches dedicated Tax Avoidance webpage

eBrief No. 19/2016:
Procedures to follow when Issuing S110 VAT Estimates/Amended Estimates

eBrief No. 18/2016:
Agents Guide to Collector-General

eBrief No. 17/2016:
Average Market Mid-Closing Exchange Rates v Euro

eBrief No. 16/2016:
Guidelines for Phased Payment/Instalment Arrangements

eBrief No. 15/2016: Exemption in respect of certain payments under employment law

eBrief No. 14/2016: Relief from tax for certain start-up companies

eBrief No. 13/2016: Finance (Local Property Tax) (Amendment) Act 2015

eBrief No. 12/2016: VAT on eServices Scheme (VOES) / Electronic Services Scheme (ESS)

eBrief No. 11/2016: Guidelines on PAYE/PRSI/USC/LPT monthly and annual estimates

eBrief No. 10/2016: Exemption in respect of water conservation grant

eBrief No. 09/2016: Exemption in respect of certain expenses of State Examinations Commission examiners

eBrief No. 08/2016: Exemption in respect of certain expense payments for relevant directors

eBrief No. 07/2016: ROS Digital Certificate renewals 2016 – reminder to save your new Certificate

eBrief No. 06/2016: Exemption in respect of fuel grant

eBrief No. 05/2016: Home Carer Tax Credit

eBrief No. 04/2016: Taxation of Community Midwives employed by the Health Service Executive

eBrief No. 03/2016: Finance Act 2015 - Stamp Duty Provisions

eBrief No. 02/2016: eRCT payments to subcontractors for 12-month period 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015

eBrief No. 01/2016: Tax Treatment of Married Couples



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